Exporting Rundowns to Spreadsheet Programs like Microsoft Excel

Rundown Creator allows you to export your TV/radio rundowns to popular spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and more. Here's how:

1. On the rundown page, click on the title/date of your rundown to bring up the rundown menu (shown below).

A screenshot of Rundown Creator's rundown page with the mouse hovering over the title/date of the rundown. This is where you click to access the Rundown Menu

2. Click on the link that says "Export Rundown as CSV File."

A screenshot of Rundown Creator's rundown page with the Rundown Menu visible and the mouse cursor hovering over the Export Rundown as CSV File link

3. A .csv file, which almost all spreadsheet programs should be able to understand, will be downloaded to your computer.

A screenshot of the CSV file downloaded by the web browser

4. Open the .csv file in whatever spreadsheet program you're using (we're using LibreOffice in this example).

5. You might be asked how the .csv file should be interpreted. If you are, it's important to know that the text is encoded in the UTF-8 character set, and that the values are separated by commas.

A screenshot of the settings panel shown when opening the CSV file in the spreadsheet program LibreOffice Calc

Voila! You now have your TV/radio rundown from Rundown Creator in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or whatever spreadsheet program you're using.

A screenshot of LibreOffice Calc with the exported CSV file loaded